I take great pleasure in greeting everyone in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for your active involvement in the ministry of Gospel Partners Movement. We have lived through eight months of the year. Let us commit the future months and years into the certainty of our Lord’s presence.



Among the many responsibilities that God gave man, He gave the responsibility of being the light in the world. That is to say, through the light of the Gospel that is given to man, he should drive away the darkness in the world.
Firstly, light was the first gift that God gave to the whole universe. God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. God saw that light was good. (Genesis 1 : 3)



We all know the need for light. Suppose that power goes of suddenly, then we are in the dark. Most of us pull out our mobile phones and the small light from it to drive away the darkness. To drive away the darkness that prevails in the hearts of mankind, we are called to use the light of Christ’s Gospel that gives much happiness to all people and remove the darkness.



Secondly, in Isaiah 9 : 2, we read, “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Those who walked in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined”. Here he foretold the coming of the great light that would come into the world. In John 9 : 5 Jesus spoke about himself by saying, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world”



Today, it is imperative that this great light should shine in the world through us. John the Baptist was not the light, but was sent to bear witness to that light. (John 1: 7) Jesus himself bore witness about John saying that John was a bright shining lamp. (John 5 : 35) Our lives also should be such our Lord would say the same thing about us. Our lives are lighted up by that great light, Jesus. We are called to live as a witness to that light and light up other people’s lives.



Thirdly, in Luke 11 : 35, our Lord himself gives a warning to us. “Take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness”. We should be very careful as to how the light works in our lives and how it shines. In some people’s lives, there was a time when the light was brightly shining, but now it has gone off. There are others in whose lives the light shines intermittently. It should not be so. We are all called to be the light which shines bright always and we light up the lives of others through the Good News we proclaim.



Fourthly, we should realise that every object that gives light, destroys itself and gives light. We know that candle or the electric bulb, after giving the light for a period of time, they burn out. This signifies the sacrificial aspect of giving the light. This sacrificial element should be seen in our lives when we give the Gospel to light up people’s lives. When we give our time, talents, abilities and money towards the Gospel ministry, this sacrificial element should be seen in it.



Finally, this ministry of preaching the light is not limited to a place or a time. Our Lord gave the final command to go and preach the Gospel to all peoples. (Matthew 28 : 19, 20). The lives of our forefathers were lighted up by the Missionaries of their time. God calls us to continue this ministry during this our time among people around us. Added to this, it is our duty to support the Missionaries who do this on our behalf in remote areas and support them through our regular prayers.



We are very well aware that the Missionaries of Gospel Partners Movement are spreading the light giving Good News of our Lord in various parts of our Land. We read of the sacrificial ministry which they carry out, through our monthly magazines. We shall praise our Lord for the transformation we see in people among whom they serve. I specially greet everyone who uphold this ministry through your prayers and joyful offerings.



May the Lord of the Gospel protect the supporters of Gospel Partners Movement, their families and their daily activities and sustain them all during these difficult days.



Rev.R.C.J. Samraj.